Our Infant Growth and Development Clinic is available to children from birth to 3 years of age who may be at risk of delayed development due to prenatal or birth history. Our professional team provides a holistic perspective for families regarding various communication, physical, social, emotional, and cognitive areas where children may be at risk of delay. Our infant development specialists may include an occupational therapist, physiotherapist, speech-language pathologist, and social worker who work together with your family to provide education and intervention to help your child’s development progress to their individual potential.
If you are parenting a child who:
- was premature (35 weeks or less)
- was a multiple birth
- had developmental concerns identified during pregnancy or at birth
- has feeding concerns
- had a low birth weight
- has the potential to have a genetic disorder
and/or you are concerned or have questions about your child’s development, please ask your doctor, other health care provider, education or social professional to make a referral on your behalf.