George Jeffrey Children’s Centre provides services to the City of Thunder Bay and surrounding areas as well as within the larger geographic District of Thunder Bay. Within the District of Thunder Bay, we provide services to a number of towns and townships, which are designated areas under the French Language Services Act. These areas include Geraldton, Longlac, Marathon and the townships of Manitouwadge, Beardmore, Nakina, and Terrace Bay.
As a non-designated transfer payment recipient for the Ministry of Children, Community and Social Services (MCCSS), George Jeffrey Children’s Centre is committed to improving our capacity to provide services in French. We continue to seek bilingual rehabilitation specialists through our recruitment processes and utilize translation services when required.
If you require assistance or service in French or any other language, please notify us by calling us at (807) 623-4381 or (888) 818-7330 (press 0 for reception) or email
Pour obtenir plus amples renseignements sur nos services offerts en français, veuillez nous contacter par téléphone au (807) 623-4381, poste 0 or (888) 818-7330 poste 0, ou par courriel