Our paediatric health care professionals provide the following family-centred services for children aged birth to 5 years who have physical or developmental concerns:
Occupational Therapy: Helps your child meet the challenges of daily life and prepare for school by improving physical strength as well as fine motor skills. Our professionals also help with visual motor skills such as hand-eye coordination and sensory abilities.
Physiotherapy: Helps your child with muscle strength and gross motor development including crawling, sitting, walking, and balancing.
Speech and Language Therapy: Helps your child to develop communication skills.
Social Work: Services are available to families receiving one or more of our health care services. Our family-centred social workers assess psycho-social development and opportunities in the environment to enhance social skills. They provide support and resources and offer support groups as well as counselling for family relations, coping skills, behaviour and parenting skills.
Infant Growth and Development Clinic: Available to children aged birth to 3 years who are at risk of delay due to prenatal or birth history.
Feeding and Swallowing Clinic: Available to children aged birth to 19 years with feeding and/or swallowing issues due to physical and/or developmental concerns.
Seating and Mobility Services: Available to children aged birth to 21 years with specific seating and/or mobility needs eg. wheelchair, walker, adaptive bike, stander, as well as car seat, high chair, stroller adaptations.
Augmentative and Alternative Communication: Assessment and prescription of communication devices is available to children and adults who have difficulty with the production or comprehension of verbal and/or written communication.