Behaviour Support Services

Our team of Registered Behavioural Analysts and instructor therapists work with children, youth and their families to build skills that allow them to thrive. We offer a variety of programs that are designed to meet the unique needs of children of all ages and their families. Our team will work with you to ensure your child can grow and develop in a way that helps them to reach their true potential.

Programs provided with Behaviour Support Services include parent coaching, workshops, group learning opportunities and individualized treatment.

Families registered with the Ontario Autism Program (OAP) may be eligible for funding that allow for participation in the following services:

  • Core Clinical Services
  • Caregiver Mediated Early Years Services
  • Entry to School Program
  • Foundational Family Services

Core Clinical Services

Our Core Clinical Behaviour Services offer specialized, evidence-based interventions that address a wide range of behavioural and emotional challenges. Following the completion of an assessment by a Registered Behaviour Analyst, each child will receive an individualized treatment plan that outlines goals based on a variety of therapeutic interventions. We focus on enhancing emotional regulation, improving social and communication skills, and reducing problematic behaviors. Our services are tailored to support long-term success in environments that are important to each child and family.

There is a cost associated with Core Clinical Services. If your child is under 18 and has access to financial supports through the Ontario Autism Program (OAP), Jordan’s Principle or other funding sources, including private pay, they can register for this program.

Caregiver Mediated Early Years Programs

Caregiver Mediated Early Years programs are designed to build parents’ and caregivers’ capacity to support their young child’s skill development in the areas of social interaction, play and communication. The programs are play-based, child-led and individualized to meet each child and family where they are.

If your child is between 12 and 48 months old, is registered with the Ontario Autism Program (OAP), and has received an invitation from the OAP, you can register for this program.

Entry to School Program

This group-based program focuses on helping young children develop school-readiness skills in the areas of communication, play, social interaction and learning. Following their time in our Entry to School classroom, children will receive supports to ensure they transition successfully into their home school.

If your child is between 3-6 years old, is registered in the Ontario Autism Program (OAP), has received an invitation from the OAP, and has not yet started school, they can register for the Entry to School Program by calling the program coordinator at 807-620-5624.

Foundational Family Services

Foundational Family Services includes a range of programs to fit a variety of needs for children of all ages. Offerings may include workshops, coaching and behaviour consultations that will provide you and your child with helpful tools to support your child’s learning and development.

If your child is under 18 and is registered in the Ontario Autism Program (OAP), they can register for these programs.

For more information about how to register for any of our Behaviour Support Services programs, please contact our Program Coordinator.

Kids raising hands

COVID-19 Resources

Read the latest information and resources on COVID-19 guidelines and recommendations for Clients and Caregivers.

Girl with COVID-19 mask
Kids raising hands

Service Navigation

Service Navigation  is a central point of contact for families waiting for assessment services for their children after being referred to the Centre.

Boy in Wheelchair
Kids raising hands

News from OAP

Please see link below about  Ontario Autism Program (OAP) Caregiver-Mediated services.

Sister hugging brother
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